Friday, June 19, 2009

My Traditional Views Are Being Heeded! *Gasp!*

Sump'in is in the air. I'm actually being asked, yes, ASKED for advice by newbie or fairly new horse owners for help with their horsemanship and their horse. The old *'N'atural 'H'orsemanship* stuff isn't working out so well, it seems, and several have asked me to help them straighten out their little Triggers with my 'back in the day' horsemanship ideas. (Remember, I think there is a BIG dif between 'Natural Hor$eman$hip' and natural horsemanship.)

Can. You. Believe??

A couple are seriously overmounted and I am going to have to lay it on the line about their horse. They thought they could buy almost any horse and using love and understanding, get their horse to love and understand them right back...only to get semi-seriously hurt and look for help elsewhere.

As far as I know, they don't read or even know about this blog so it's not like they sussed me out and then were looking for advice/help. This is me talking to my neighbors and friends and people found me.

I'm actually kind of thrilled. At my age, I'm not too much on retraining a spoiled horse (bloody body syndrome comes to mind rather quickly) but I can sure give lessons again and be a help to someone that really wants a good horse.

As I stated in a recent post, it seems that the classical/traditional training is coming back into play and becoming popular again. Well, it may be too soon for 'popular' but it's curving back my way.

Okie dokie, just had to brag a little bit. If anything comes of this, I'll report on it, good or bad, my way or not. If nothing else, hopefully it'll be interesting reading!

Now, go ride!