I don't know what happened to the last post. So, I'll try again.
I can't see what I posted on the last post but the upshot is that I think going back to maybe not square one but maybe square two or three will help her alot.
I want to be clear, riding her regularly would alleviate a lot of these problems but she is supposed to be a totally broke, almost finished horse so should ride properly, no matter the circumstances.
Something that just dawned on me, well, what about lunging her first, you ask? Well, as I said above, she is a totally broke horse and SHOULD ride pretty much the same each and every time. She's turned out in a large corral and can self-exercise to burn off excess energy so it's not a matter of being overly fresh. She's just being a knot-head of the first order!!
Also, about lunging (I've seen that spelled so many ways that I'm not sure of the correct spelling), lunging is good to a point but what if you have to hop on for whatever reason and don't have time to lunge?? Lunging has its good points but it shouldn't be relied on too much. Horsie can just deal with it...
Now, go ride... :-)