Sunday, August 2, 2009

WTF Does This Ad Say??

I'm thinking, just a thought here, that MAYBE it's for someone to come out and watch the joint whilst the owners are away and also to feed the critters.

Good Lord, people!!! Didn't you go to SCHOOL?? Didn't you pay ATTENTION?? Spelling isn't that hard, nor is punctuation! You don't have to be perfect but you do have to be understandable.

My first thought was if you wrote up a contract with the poster, you probably won't know what the hell you signed as the contract would be indecipherable, unless written by a lawyer...which might be worse...but I'm betting the attorney would have spelling and punc's down pretty pat.

Ads like this drive me to distraction. If I can't understand what they are saying, do I really, really want to do business with them?? Even if you have a learning disability, you can ask people to help you figger out how to spell the damn ad and punc it. Hell, I've even written that people can send me ads and I'll correct them and send them back with no copy kept on my end. I've done proofreading for newspapers and boo-boos just leap out at me.

Jeez...people get somewhat educated!! Grrrr!