I've noticed this lately on several posts AND when I go look at horses and their tack. People don't seem to know how a bit goes on a headstall.
Check out the lower left pic of the bit on the headstall. The damn thing is on upside down. See how it inverts into a 'V' but it looks like it's been pulled in a just a little bit?? That is, oh, so wrong! The bit is supposed to be the other way around and follow the curve of the horse's mouth, from the bars, over the tongue and on to the opposite other bars. Only a nimrod tries to put a bit on upside down to hurt the horse into submitting, which I think that's what these examples I've seen lately are trying to do. They don't have a CLUE how or why a bit works the way it's supposed.
So, if you don't know how a bit works, WHY in the hell are you even using it?? If you can't put a bridle together properly, should you really be in the saddle?? I think not!!
This is basic horsemanship. If you fork a horse, you should know how to saddle and bridle your horse properly. For this, there is NO excuse!