Monday, July 27, 2009

So Hot, So Hot...What To Do In The Meantime...

Sorry I've not posted in a little while but it's been so hot that I haven't ridden much and that's where I do my thinking for this blog!

This is a reminder to take extra good care of your horse. Put out a salt block for him to lick. I like that block because they can lick at will. I have friends who don't like them but add salt. Too much work for me but it gets the job done.

Make sure your water is plentiful and clean. Even with the fish in the tanks, make sure the water is somewhat see-through. Top those tanks off!

Since it's so hot and I'm not riding much, I wormed my dear spotted one and then watched for a while to make sure she wasn't going to have a reaction.

Check those little hoofies out and make sure all is well there. No big chips or cracks. I like to rub Hooflex in 2-3 times a week into the coronet band and on the frog because it makes me feel better. I've read lately that dressings and similar things don't really help but I disagree, I think they do to a point. Won't hurt anything anyway.

Douse your darlin' with some good fly spray. Be sure to follow the label directions but I'm seeing some big, honkin' flies that really hurt when they land and try to bite on my mare.

Keep the mane, tail and forelock looking good and don't let big tangles start. I use liberal amounts of Show Sheen several times a week to keep things orderly. You can download coupons for Show Sheen too!! I sure do!

Make sure you have some sort of shade that the horse can choose to stand in or out of. It seems to me that shade is mostly where the flies are and horses may not stand under it but make it their choice and use the fly spray.

Anyway, I heard on the radio this AM that today and tomorrow will still be HOT but then some clouds will start to roll in and some cooling off. I sure hope so. I want to RIDE! My mare is getting a little snotty and needs some straightening out!

Hopefully we'll be back on track about making tracks! :-)