Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I'm feeling better and a bit snarky so I figure I'm ready to impart my info. Read on!

When I use the term 'gadgets' and 'horse' in the same conversation, then I'm talking about running/standing martingales http://www.horses-and-horse-information.com/articles/0702tied.shtml (or tiedowns), headachers (a 'tie-down' that instead of going over the nose, goes over the ears at the poll, usually home-made), chambeaus (I can't find a picture) or what-have-you. Basically, I'm against all of them.

I feel that if you're going to ride, you might as well learn to RIDE so you don't need crutches to control your horse. You ride different horses and learn to adapt to that horse so you don't need the crutch. If you only ride one horse for years on end, why do you need a tie-down for that long? Shouldn't you be able to evolve out of using gadgets?

About the only gadget that I really like is the German Martingale. http://www.horsetrainingvideos.com/tack/martingale-photo.htm There are both english and western versions of the german martingale. The western usually has split reins but I have seen them for barrel racers with a short roping rein. The english ones seem to me to be a longer round rein. But even then, eventually, you have to move on and hopefully have improved your horsemanship so you don't need it.

Most of the time, people will say that a horse gets up a head of steam and wants to go so they need some extra oomph in controlling them. That may be so but maybe you should drop back a notch or two on your training (or make sure he doesn't have a physical problem) but even that can be a good excuse to use more than you need and get him under control when he's ready to go.

I just like the idea of less is more.